Monday, May 21, 2012

In Conclusion:

Through this project I learned that the task of choosing and organizing an exhibition of works by various artists is very difficult. It was fun to search different works under a specific theme, but because of this, I spent a great deal of time just browsing through art. It was difficult to not include some beautiful works because I could not find all the information about the piece, but I could not include it with out all its pertaining information.  As a result of this process, I feel that the job of a curator is very difficult. They have the arduous task of choosing between a vast number of works and artists. Being able to present all of the works information is of great importance and might be difficult to shorten the information on the artist because there is so much information of importance.

When choosing a theme, one thinks of the varying depictions one can present to the viewers. Connecting work by different artists under the same theme shows how everyone has a different view on life. The artists have all had very different experiences in their lives and their work is very different even if it can be branched under the same theme. The theme of love is here expressed by portraying: children, flags, pets, couples, and even spiders. Even if every artist displayed here were to make a work specifically in the theme of love, all the works would be completely different from the other because of the experiences of the artist and the way he/she chooses to define love.

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